Is STEM right for me?
The Project Based Learning model at Templeton STEM is quite different from "traditional" school is several ways:
1) There is a lot of group work & presentations
2) Students develop a toolbox, not a set of recipes
3) There aren't many traditional lectures or worksheets
Parents and students should understand that some students thrive in STEM, others have a hard time adjusting to the teaching methodology. If you or your child are considering STEM, you (they) should be answering yes to the following questions:
1) Can you work collaboratively and effectively as a member of a group?
2) Do you stick with a difficult problem and work at it instead of giving up?
3) Do you like to build things?
4) Are you willing to learn how to speak publicly?
5) Will you complete homework without being hassled by an adult?
Flexibility of mind, motivation, and student initiative are key to the success of our student-driven model.
This is a three course cohort and gives credit for Science 8, Math 8, and Applied Skills 8.
Application to the STEM 8 program is a draw. In order to participate in the lottery, you need to be registered as a Templeton student.
In-Catchment Registration: If you are in-catchment and already attend one of the feeder schools (A R Lord, Franklin, Hastings, MacDonald, or Lord Nelson) these registration forms are distributed at your school. STEM 8 is a tick-box option on that form. If you have an address that is within Templeton's catchment boundary, but do not attend a feeder school, you can pick up an application form at the school's office.
Cross-Boundary/Out of District Registration: If you live out of catchment, you will need to apply cross-boundary. Templeton does not have control over the cross-boundary process. Students can only be considered for the lottery after they are approved for cross-boundary registration. Cross-boundary acceptance notification is traditionally in March. Notification of acceptance in the lottery traditionally occurs in June.
STEM 9 - 12
I am in STEM, love STEM, and want to stay in the program. Will I have to apply again?
If STEM is working for you then you can stay in the program as long as you have a teacher's recommendation and sign up for the STEM option during course selection. Recommendation is based on engagement of the student over the course of the year.
What if I was not in STEM this year but want to join next year?
If you are not in STEM, but are interested in joining, you can apply for any spaces that may open up. Given the diverse nature of the classes, you do not have to worry about not having taken STEM before. Wanting to "learn by doing" is the most important ingredient you'll need! Talk to your counselor, a STEM teacher, or administration.
This is a three course cohort and gives credit for Science 9, Math 9, and Engineering 9.
This is a four course cohort and gives credit for Science 10, Pre-Calculus 10, Engineering 10, and STEM Planning 10.
STEM 11/12
This is a four course cohort and gives credit for Physics 11 or 12, Pre-Calculus 11 or 12, Engineering 11 or 12, and Electronics 11 or Robotics 12.